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Cultural Ecology I.

Class at Faculty of Humanities |

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1. Představení kurzu, film The Anthropologist (2015)   2. Environmentální antropologie (EA) – vymezení, dělení, aktuálnost   3. Předchůdci a konkurenti EA: geografický determinismus, vědecký rasismus, unilineární evoluce   4. Počátky EA I.: Franz Boas   5. Počátky EA II.: Alfred Kroeber a Clark Wissler   6. Diskuse textů

Povinná četba

Mauss, M. 2008[1904] Seasonal Variations of the Eskimo: A Study in Social Morphology. In Dove a Carpenter eds. Environmental Anthropology – A Historical Reader, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, s. 157-167.    

Steward, J.H. 1972[1955] The Great Basin Shoshonean Indians: An Example of a Family Level of Sociocultural Integration. In Theory of Culture change: the methodology of multilinear evolution, Urbana: University of Illinois Press, s. 101-121. 244 p. ISBN 9780252002953.   7. Kulturní ekologie Juliana H. Stewarda   8. Mezi kulturní ekologií a ekosystémovým přístupem

Povinná četba

Barth, F. 1956 Ecological Relationships of Ethnic Groups in Swat, North Pakistan. American Anthropologist 58: 1079-1089.   9. Ekosystémový přístup – zdroje inspirace tzv. ekologické antropologie   10. Diskuse textů

Povinná četba  

Bateson, G. 1972 Effects of Conscious Purpose on Human Adaptation. In Steps to an Ecology of Mind, New York: Ballantine Books, s. 440-447.  

Rappaport, R. A. 1967 Ritual Regulation of Environmental Relations among a New Guinea People, Ethnology, Vol. 6, No. 1, s. 17-30.     11. Ekologická antropologie   12. Kritika, revize a historický obrat ekosystémového přístupu   13. Ekologická antropologie dnes   14. Test    

Povinná četba

Barth, F. 1956 Ecological Relationships of Ethnic Groups in Swat, North Pakistan. American Anthropologist 58: 1079-1089.  

Bateson, G. 1972 Effects of Conscious Purpose on Human Adaptation. In Steps to an Ecology of Mind, New York: Ballantine Books, s. 440-447. 566 p. ISBN 978-0226039053</span


There is a rising interest in environmental anthropology nowadays dues to the ecological crisis of the Anthropocene. Many of crucial actual debates do have predecessors in the almost one hundred years long history of the discipline, but are mostly left behind.

The course introduces several key schools of thoughts, concepts, debates and examples from the history of environmental anthropology. Particular attention is paid to issues concerning cultural ecology and eco-systemic approach of so called ecological anthropology.