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Vizuální metody v historické sociologii

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COURSE PROGRAM 1.   Introduction to the course I

FILM: John Berger Ways of seeing (1972), part 1 2.   Introduction to the course II own images & presentations 3.     History of image and photography

 Sontag, Susan (2005) ‘On Photography’. New York: Rosetta Books, p. 1-20.

Film: The Hand that touches the Arm (2022) 4 & 5.  Visual semiotics & advertising

Rose, Gillian (2012) Semiology: laying bare the prejudices. Beneath the smooth surface of the visible, in: 'Visual Metodologies'. Thousand Oaks California: Sage Publications, p. 106-146.\

Film: Helmut Newton: the Bad and the Beautiful (2020) 6 & 7.  Photo workshop: interactions in public place 8.   War photography

Butler, Judith (2009) Torture and the Ethics of Photography: Thinking with Sontag, in: ‘Frames of War’. New York: Verso, p. 63-101.

FILM: The War Photographer (2001) 9.     Methods I: photo-essay

Bourgois,  Philippe & Jeff Schonberg (2009) Righteous dopefined. California University Press: chapter 7.  10.  Methods II: photo-elicitation 

 Clark-Ibánez, Marisol (2004) Framing the Social World With Photo-Elicitation Interviews. American Behavioral Scientist, Vol. 47, No. 12, pp. 1507-1527. 11 & 12. Presentation of final projects


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