Témata kurzu:
1. Co je organizace? Proč existují?
2. Organizační specifika OOS
3. Analýza organizační struktury
4. Analýza organizační kultury
5. Analýza organizační identity
6. Analýza organizačního prostředí
7. Organizační prostředí a organizační legitimita
8. Organizační sítě a mezisektorové vztahy
9.-12. Analýza organizačních procesů a změn v OOS: Profesionalizace a managerizace, Komercionalizace OOS, Hybridizace OOS
In this course, students can learn about the main theoretical concepts from the sociology of organizations that provide the theoretical background for understanding the current organizational development and problems associated with the operation of non-profit organizations and to explore these organizations. Further attention will be devoted mainly to foreign empirical studies that will enable students to become familiar with both the current topics of organizational functioning and organizational problems of NGOs (globalization, professionalization, commercialization), but also with the use of theoretical concepts in the study of organizations.