Termíny kon ání: 8/3, 5/4 a 3/5
The main topics: 1. The purpose of academic writing; written research outputs in psychology. 2.Research journals in psychology, typical procedure for getting published in journal. 3.Citing, tools to make citing effective. 4.Understanding APA style. 5.Referencing sources, preparation for writing (finding, reading). 6.Choosing a journal relevant for your research output. 7.Writing abstracts and short papers. 8.Writing psychology papers-, preparations for writing and drafting. 9.Writing psychology paperswriting, revising and final check. 10.Writing research reports. 11.Writing research proposal. 12.Troubles in writing related to research. 13.Feedback for individual papers.
Povinná literatura:
MITCHELL, M. L., JOLLEY, J. M., O'SHEA, R. P. (2013). Writing for psychology. Cengage Learning. ISBN
Doporučená literatura:
LESTER, J. D., LESTER, J. D. (2012). Writing research papers: A complete guide. Pearson. ISBN 978-0321952950.
PERRIN, R. (2011). Pocket guide to APA style. Cengage Learning. ISBN 978-0495912637.
The aim of this subject is to introduce, explain and demonstrate typical written research outputs relevant to psychology. The subject gradually introduces a variety of academic writing skills and focuses on written research outputs format relevant to psychology. Special attention is paid to writing journal articles and research proposals for grant applications. Students will be trained to apply skills relevant and necessary for writing academic output.
With guidance and feedback, students will gain experience writing to the various formats specifications; culminating in the preparation of their own written article for a selected research journal.