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Lucie Netrvalová
Person without affiliation with CUNI
15 publications
Léri-Weill Syndrome on the Principle of Structural Aberration of Chromosome Y (Case Report)
2018 |
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Anti-phospholipid antibodies against phosphatidylionositol, and phosphatidylserine are more significant in reproductive failure than antibodies against cardiolipin only
2006 |
First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Anti-phospholipid antibodies againt phosphatidylinositol, and phosphatidylserine are more significant in reproductive failure than antibodies against cardiolipin only
2005 |
First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Central Library of Charles University
Detection of chlamydia antibodies in non-standard biological fluids in women with fertility disorders
2004 |
First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Central Library of Charles University
Elisa detection of antichlamydial antibodies in non-standard biological fluids and their relationship to female infertility
2003 |
First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Central Library of Charles University
Seven antiphospholipid antibodies in HIV - positive patients: Correlation with clinical course and laboratory findings
2003 |
First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Penetration of native and cryopreserved human spermatozoa into cervical mucus: Kremer’s test
2002 |
First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Central Library of Charles University
Seven antiphospholipid antibodies in HIV positive patients, correlation with clinical course and laboratory results
2002 |
First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Comparison of beta 2 - glycoprotein I (ß2-GPI) with six different antiphospholipid antibodies (APLS) in complicated pregnancy
2001 |
First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Central Library of Charles University
Beta 2-Glycoprotein I. Is a good indicator of certain adverse pregnancy conditions
2001 |
First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Central Library of Charles University
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