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Hazemeter prototype with termostabilised measuring chamber and increased sensitivity. Elastic light scattering intensity is measured at the angle 11o to the incident light beam for micro organism growth detection. Special software is a part of prototype. Software enables micro organism growing curves measurement and evaluation



Stand-alone prototype of laboratory device for haze measurement of liquids was developed. Hazemeter measures elastic light scattering intensity at the angle 11o to the incident light beam and compensates it to the transmitted light intensity with enhanced sensitivity - 0.001 ppm.

Device has display and keyboard, basic functions are controlled by a microprocessor unit. Hazemeter is equipped with built-in magnetic stirrer.

Measuring sample chamber is thermostabilised at constant temperature ( /- 0.2 oC) by a peltier type unit. Special SW (OS Windows) enables user to perform microorganism growth measurement and evaluation.