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Characterization of point defects in yttria stabilized zirconia single crystals

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Characterization of point defects in a fully stabilized ZrO2 + 9 mol.% Y2O3 single crystal with cubic structure was performed in this work. It was found that the crystal contains a high density of vacancy-like defects characterized by a lifetime of 175 ps.

First principle theoretical calculations showed that this lifetime is comparable with lifetime of positrons trapped in zirconium vacancies associated with hydrogen. In particular, in the vicinity of the zirconium vacancy hydrogen forms an O-H bond with one of the nearest neighbour oxygen atoms.

The calculated bond length is close to 1 Å. Using nuclear reaction analysis it was found that the hydrogen concentration in the crystal is 0.3 at.%.

This amount of hydrogen is sufficient to form zirconium vacancy - hydrogen complexes capable of saturated positron trapping.