The implementation of regular physical activity and sport of youth depends on genetic predisposition influenced by many factors. The study examines on sample of 1221 students of ČVUT, including 947 boys and 274 girls in age 20-28 years.
The results confirm that the selected indicators are involved in education of youth within the mening of positive influence to sports activities by different degrees. Friends and schoolmates do one’s best (average of 7-point Likert scale 5,37) about it at boys, closely watched by family (5,15) and teachers of physical education at university (4,79).
The family of girls have the largest positive influence (5,34), friends and school- mates (5,26) and also their boyfriends (5,16). Teachers of physical education from high schools have the least influence (4,31 at boys, respectively 4,04 at girls) etc.