The aim of the work is to make public the royal missives dispatched to the officers of the mint at Kutná Hora during the first half of the rule of Vladislav Jagiello. The edition comprises duplicate regests of letters from 1472-1489.
The letters are addresed namely to the officers of the Royal Mint and to the lesser extent also to the Royal Mintmaster and the Steward of the Royal Mines headind the mint and the mines administrations, respectively. The system administering the king`s mintage and mining royalty revenue was controlled by the sovereign by closed letters with instructions.
The majority of these contain order for imbursement by the royal mint as it represented the largest and steadiest of the king`s incomes. The missives are a fine source of data pertaining to the financial situation of Vladislav Jagiello, help to identify the mechanism of the royal mint and mines administration and provide valuable information for the research concerning the function of Vladislav`s court.