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Symbolism, Vice and Decadence in the Work of Félicien Rops : A Contribution to the Anthropology of Sexuality

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


This study is aimed at artistic, anthropological and historical analysis of the work of Belgian illustrator and graphic artist Félicien Rops (1833–1898). His unique production has integrated decadent erotic, nihilistic symbolism and sexual topics which were taboo at that time.

Very special interest is dedicated to his allegoric prints La Tentation de Saint-Antoine (1878) and La Dame au cochon – Pornocratès (1878), both considered as a turning-point of the Rops´ work. The purpose of this study is to present graphic cycle Les Sataniques (1882) which is controversial artistic celebration of Satan, passions, violence, sensuality and extatic individualism.