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Demographic development and Czech labour supply in 1993-2002 and future prospects up to 2050

Publication at Faculty of Social Sciences |


The main object of this paper is to explain the significance of the key factors which determined the labour force of the Czech population in the period 1993 - 2002. These key factors are the age structure irregularities and the changes in the labour force participation rates by age.

The first part is focused on the description of the demographic development in the Czech Republic. The second one contains the analysis of the Czech labour force.

The changes in the labour force participation rates by age had negative effect, while age structure irregularities had positive effect on labour supply in 1993 - 2002. But it is possible that in the near future the age structure will become worse because of the ageing of the Czech population.

For this reason the expected demographic development of the Czech population up to 2050 and its implications for future labour supply of the population are also discussed in this paper.