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Migration waves in the Federal Republic of Germany between northern and southern states post 1989

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


The monograph deals with internal migration and focuses on the citizens of Germany and their movement within the country after 1989. The main area of focus is the depopulation of the northern part of Germany and the related immigration of specific migration groups to one of both southern German states.

This monograph surveys the migration streams in this territory for the period 1990 − 2008 and analyzes their influence on the demographic changes and transformations of the local socio-economic structure. A concrete survey of migration streams between northern and southern Gemany is introduced in two case studies.

The first deals with the northern state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Whilst considering the importance of these problems, the consequences of migration for this state and the attitude of the local policy surrounding this issue are described.

Representative of the southern part of Germany, the state of Baden-Württemberg is introduced whose population has been growing over the years.