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Percutaneous coronary interventions in diabetic patients

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a serious medical problem. The patients with diabetes have higher risk of coronary artery diseases.

Diabetes mellitus also increases the risk of complication resulting from revascularization treatment in compare with non-diabetic patients. The first studies, which compare the surgical and percutaneous revascular. proved,that the major diff. between these two revascular. techniques is in patients with diabetes.

The difference is inflected by necessity of repeated revascular. after PCI, which is caused by higher incidence of a restenosis in patients with DM. Mortality, myocardial infarction and stroke are more frequent in diabetic patients, but the difference between PCI and surg. treated groups is not significant.

Though the restenosis had significantly decreased due to of drug-eluted stents, the surgical revascular. is preferred method of treatment in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes, poorly compensated diabetes and patients with multiple complex coronary disease.