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Ancestral and derived protein import pathways in the mitochondrion of Reclinomonas americana.

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Reclinomonas americana is a unicellular eukaryote with the most gene-rich mitochondrial genome known, and the large collection of membrane proteins encoded on the mitochondrial genome of R. americana includes a bacterial-type SecY protein transporter. Analysis of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) shows R. americana also has components of a mitochondrial protein translocase, or "TIM complex".

Along with several other membrane proteins encoded on the mitochondrial genome Cox11, an assembly factor for cytochrome c oxidase, retains sequence features suggesting it is assembled by the SecY complex in R. americana. Despite this, protein import studies show that the RaCox11 protein is suited for import into mitochondria and functional complementation if the gene is transferred into the nucleus of yeast.