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Variability of foraging and roosting activities in adult females of Daubenton’s bat (Myotis daubentonii) in different seasons

Publication at Faculty of Science |


We radio-tracked fifteen reproductive females (5 pregnant, 5 lactating, 5 in post-lactation) of the Daubenton’s bat in summer 2005 in order to reveal the effect of reproductive state on their foraging and roosting activity. Spatial activity of females decreased from pregnancy to lactation and increased again in the post-lactation period.

Overall time spent foraging did not differ among the three study periods. However, while pregnant and lactating females spent similar proportion of the night length foraging, females in the post-lactation period were foraging for shorter part of night.

The frequency of nightly visits to roosts was highest during lactation but there was a trend towards shortening of particular visits during that period. All but one roost were in tree hollows excavated by woodpeckers in spatially restricted area of ca 0.7 km2.