In the coal basin in northwestern Bohemia (the area from Sokolov to Ústi nad Labem) there were created eight large residual mining pits: Medard-Libík, Jiří-Dru žba (Sokolov Basin), Libouš, Šverma-Vršany, ČSA, Most-Ležáky, Bílina, Chabařovice (North Bohemian Brown Coal Basin) as a result of surface coal mining. The remediation and reclamation is (will be) solved by aquatic reclamation and in the coming decades eight large lakes with an area approximately 4000 ha and with volume of water about 2 billion m3 will be created.
On the shores of the lakes and surrounding dumps there is ongoing biological reclamation (mainly forestry or agriculture). Surface water quality, fish stock and the population of aquatic birds are monitored in currently filling aquatic reclamations (Chabařovice, Most-Ležáky).