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Paupertate styloque connecti : Making of Humanist Scholarly Community in the Czech Lands

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


Basing on theoretical frameworks as symbolical sociology and theories of performativity, the monograph focuses on the construction and representation of humanist communities of scholars in the Czech Lands during the 16th and 17th centuries. The author attempts to analyze the peculiarities of the humanistic Latin mode of writing in this period, how patronage relationships were modelled in humanist literary fields, how the scholarly community was performed and how individual scholars fashioned themselves.

These problems are thematised since 1550s, the main attention is paid to the literary field of the Prague university, but also the literary production in literary circles in towns (they existed till ca 1650s). In the concluding part the author analysed ways how various types of subjective positions were ''occupied'' and how gender was performed and the body produced in the humanist intellectual communication with respect to period''s notions of authorship.