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Viscosity and consistency measurements following Ph.B. 2009

Publication at Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové |


Apparent viscosity of chosen polymeric excipients (Methylcellulosum, Hypromellosum, Cellacefatum, Xanthani gummi, Carbomera) and consistency of semisolids (Vaselinum album, Vaselinum flavum, Adeps lanae, Alcoholum adipis lanae unguentum, Alcoholum adipis lanae cremor, Acoholis cetylici unguentum, Alcoholis ceylici cremor). It made effort to proceed strictly according to the Ph.

Bh. 2009 with goal to evaluate critically the pharmacopoeial requirements concerning rheological assessments. Pharmacopoeial texts are not very homogeneous probably due to the different authorship.Most often the inaccuracies are given by incorrect translation of english original.

The methods taking into account the specific properties of polymers should be more applied for compounding. The measurement conditions should be prescribed unambiguously and uniformly.

Then the statement of procedure according to the pharmacopoeia will not be controversial.