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Corticosteroids and immunosuppression in chronic treatment

Publication at Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové |


Proper functioning of the immune system is necessary for the maintenance of homeostasis of the organism. In the medical context, however, there are situations in which self-defense may be unwanted in its consequences.

By suppressing immunity we stabilize the course of several diseases of autoimmune or chronic inflammatory origin, thereby preventing rejection of transplanted organs and tissues (bone marrow, kidneys, liver and heart). The disadvantage of immunosuppression is its long term course and non-selective effects; the organism is not able to resist to infection agents for a long time, with resulting an early failure of antitumor surveillance.

Immunosuppressive drugs are characterized by many unwanted effects including most often development of arterial hypertension, disturbances in metabolism (obesity, dyslipidemia or hyperglycemia) and organ damage (kidneys and liver).