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Interactive multimedia maps with IWA: a learning project with a new learning tool

Publication at Faculty of Education |


A learning project undertaken in Czech lower secondary schools in September 2007 was the first attempt to test a new web interactive learning tool, named IWA, to support constructive learning and project activities with children. Pupils aged from 12 to 16 used the interactive web environment, which enables creative activities with multimedia and sharing data on the WWW, to design and develop multimedia maps and to publish them on the web.

Although each child generally worked alone on his or her own part of the project, children were motivated to engage in unprompted collaborative activities thanks to the way in which ICTs were used in the project- centred environment. The collaborative project was designed to assess the effectiveness and impact of IWA on learning strategies.

It contributed to the ICT literacy development of lower secondary school students through its innovative approach to teaching with multimedia.