The study reviews following books: Richard DAWKINS, Boží blud: Přináší náboženství útěchu, nebo bolest? Praha: Academia 2009, 480 s. (Th e God Delusion, translated by Zuzana Gabrová with epilogue by Filip Jaroš and Stanislav Komárek); HANUŠ, J. – VYBÍRAL, J. (eds.),Dawkins pod mikroskopem: Diskuse nad knihou Richarda Dawkinse Boží blud. Brno: Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury 2010.
The aim of this study is to overview the debate inspired by publication of the Czechtranslation of Dawkins’ book Th e God Delusion, whose most komplex contributions inspired publication is the book Dawkins pod mikroskopem.