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Two new species of the Epimetopus mendeli species group and notes on its adult and larval morphology (Coleoptera: Hydrophiloidea: Epimetopidae)

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The Epimetopus mendeli species group is delineated based on characters of the head, elytra and male genitalia. Three species are included in the group: E. mendeli sp. nov. (Peru), E. fl avicaptus sp. nov. (Ecuador) and E. angulatus Balfour-Browne, 1949 (Bolivia).

The external morphology of Epimetopus mendeli sp. nov. is described and illustrated in detail, and the diagnostic characters for the other two species of the group are discussed and illustrated. Larval morphology, including the primary chaetotaxy of E. mendeli sp. nov., is described in detail based on fi rst instar larvae from the egg case carried by an identifi ed female.

The larva is compared with the previously published description of larval Epimetopus Lacordaire, 1854 and the morphology of the abdominal apex is discussed, revealing only slight differences between various Epimetopus larvae. Larva of E. mendeli sp. nov. is also briefl y compared with the larvae of remaining hydrophiloid families.