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Two new ripidiine species in Dominican amber with evidence of aggregative behaviour of males "frozen" in the fossil record (Coleoptera: Ripiphoridae)

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Ten amber inclusions of male Ripidiinae (Coleoptera: Ripiphoridae) are reported from Early Miocene deposits of the Dominican Republic and compared with extant species of Neorrhipidius Viana, 1958 from Argentina and Paraguay and Quasipirhidius Zaragoza Caballero, 1991 from Mexico. Neorrhipidius seicherti sp. n. and Quasipirhidius luzziae sp. n. are described and illustrated.

Neorrhipidius seicherti sp. n. differs from Quasipirhidius luzziae sp. n. by the presence of postocular ommatidia and by the shape of metascutellum. The distribution of fossil and extant Ripidiinae in Central America is briefly discussed.

Furthermore, the frequent occurrence of Quasipirhidius luzziae sp. n. in amber as syninclusions suggests possibly unique synchronisation of emergence unknown in extant taxa or more likely intraspecific aggregative behaviour by males prior to mating with receptive females.