The contribution proposes a methodological approach to explore the links among media, public and political agenda at the local level. Local level in this case refers to the lowest administrative territorial units of the state.
Whilst for the research evolving from the concept of Agenda-setting data are usually obtained using quantitative methods, in this case it is also possible to use qualitative methods that allow deeper pervasion into existing links in the process of agenda-setting at the local level. This combination of approaches was used in two studies that examined the thematic agenda addressed to the citizens of Nové Město na Moravě and integrated villages (as to the representatives of local public agenda), the role of the fortnightly Novoměstsko (which can be taken as a representative of the local media agenda) and its impact on the public agenda and also the influence of the communal politicians (the representatives of local political agenda) on the agenda of fortnightly Novoměststko.