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Thirty years since the adoption of the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the use of certain conventional weapons especially the Protocol on prohibitions or restrictions on the use of mines, booby-traps and other devices

Publication at Faculty of Law |


Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons and Protocol II to it restricts, but does not forbid completely the use of mines. Although this Convention is a treaty in the sphere of the Law of Armed Confl icts (International Humanitarian Law) it contains certain elements of Law of Disarmament.

The provisions which are more typical for treaties in the sphere of disarmament and restriction of armament are contained in Article 8, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph a) of Th e Amendment of 1996 which requires that the State-Parties not to transfer any mines the use of which is prohibited by this Protocol.