This article builds on reading short proses written by Stanislav Rakus only published in magazines, e.g. literary magazines Slovenske pohlady, Mlada tvorba, Maticne citanie, between 1963 and 1976. His early works include nine almost unknown proses (and one poem) which give the background to studying poetological aspects of the text, e.g. narrative strategies, metamorphoses of the character-outsider, the relationship between the high and the low, the motif of death, the short story pattern etc.
One of the primary levels of meanings in Rakus''s early short stories is oscillation between allegorical depiction of an enclosed system (totality) and absurd climax of a story. In this respect many structural similarities can be found between Rakus''s proses and debuting Dusan Mitana''s absurd short stories, mostly in terms of composition, character-outsider variety and narrative strategy.
Two exceptions to Rakus''s absurd short proses are stories Matej Urias and Kosti (Bones) both set in fantastical-mythical enviroment, which make it hard for the reader to reconstruct the thematic background. The author uses allegorical techniques to expand and destroy the personality cult.
He does not depict a particular period of history, but openly speaks of human conformity, cowardice as well as inability to face the evil, that is the qualities which are universal and timeless.