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Multimedia environment for teaching courses in labor law application practice



Into the created multimedia environment for teaching courses in Labor Law in Application Practice are for example inserted materials which the guarantor of the subject as well as the other teachers, including a number of external lecturers - experts from the judiciary, government, administration, partners of social dialogue etc., use in their presentations and lectures. Created environment functions as a classical data storage from which students of the subject may draw on (download or share) presentations, syllabuses, photo-documents and other stored data.

The environment also allows using "clicks" on the links to visit next, by the teacher recommended, web pages or by using "links " redirect students for example to recommended library collections, sales of the expert literature offering recommended literature, an integrated information portals, etc. A significant "added value" is the fact that the created multimedia environment also provides students the possibility to use the integral test interface, so that by using inserted tests (prepared by the guarantor, who is also administrator of the learning environment for the subject) students can check the acquired knowledge by solving test examples, etc. (FRVŠ projekt 1011/2011)