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Stigma at school

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The article is based on anthropological research that was conducted between 2005 and 2010 as part of two projects, The value of education from the Roma viewpoint (How Roma mothers understand education) and Function of cultural models in education (GAČR reg. no. 406/05/P560 a reg. no. 406/08/0805). In the theoretical section, we build on the core concept of cognitive anthropology - schema theory (C.

Strauss, R. D''Andrade).

When considering the relation between culture and body we return to the ideas of M. Mauss (Les techniques des corps) and M.

Foucalt (Discipline and punish). The theory of stigma draws upon the classical concept of E.

Goffman. The practical section presents the results of our findings relating mostly to the different enculturation processes in Roma families and interaction at primary school that leads to the much criticised transfer to practical schools.