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Process and Consequences of Displacing of Citizens from the Sphere of Institucionalizaed Citiznenship as a Consequence of Normative Pressures of Expert Culture

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The increased social significance of science and the scientific knowledge in modern society makes for the increase of influence of people who produce this knowledge the experts. The experts become one of the major normative authorities. Experts norms and standards determined, controlled and legitimated by them - influence actions of both the experts and the other actors.

This article examines the influence of the expert culture on the sphere of civic sector, which has represented the active citizens in Czech Republic after 1989. Entering of experts leads to transformation of type of civic actors, their roles, type of activities, and also values and rules.

The volunteers with not adequate scientific knowledge are displaced to service and passive roles and on the opposite mainly experts occupy the power positions. It leads to the loss of volunteers confidence in their own competencies and reduction of the potential of civic participation.