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Daily and seasonal dynamics of PM10 and PM1, in the fall line of the slope of the Nastup Tusimice Mine

Publication at Faculty of Science |


During two summer and one winter sampling campaigns, concentration ofPM,o and PM, were taken every 5 minutes following the fall line ofthe north-eastern slope of the Nastup Mine. In summer, PM, levels did not show any differences throughout the fall line, although the daily dynamics was observed only in 2009, not in 2010.

In contrast, PMIO levels showed daily dynamics in both years and were higher within 60 metres above the coal seam. Aerosol concentration in the adjacent area of the mine was temporarily elevated in five cases, whi le the response reached 23 to 39 % ofPMIO levels measured in the mine.

On-site measurements revealed that mining activities produce particles over I Jlm. These findings are in accordance with laboratory resuspension measurements of coal particles size distribution when particles over 1 mm constitute 90 % of matter and the resuspension coefficient of homogenized coal amount to 0.0001.

Using the coefficient, a maximum theoretical level ofPM,o was calculated to be 850 Jlg.m-3 , while a maximum measured level was only 288 Jlg.m-J. The difference between the theoretical and measured level ofPM,o can be explained by concentration inhomogenity ofaerosol in the area of the mine and, especially, by the vertical transport of aerosol.