The Krušné Hory complex is formed by upper Proterozoic basement (the Saxothuringian parautochthon) and an overlying nappe stack (lower, middle, and upper nappes) with decreasing grade of metamorphism from bottom to top (Willner et al., 1997; Ch áb et al., 2008). The parautochthon is exposed in several dome-like structures and consists of gneisses and migmatites with lenses of amphibolites.
The St. Kateřina dome, in the Czech part of the Erzgebirge (Mlčoch and Schulmann, 1992), is formed by orthogneisses derived from an early Ordovician granite (Košler et al. 2004).
They show medium-pressure amphibolite facies conditions with no signs of eclogite facies metamorphism (Konopásek, 1998).