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DeRaS - a new SW application for the life table construction

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The poster briefly introduced a new SW application for life table construction. In demography, life tables are among the most important tools for mortality analysis.

Some methods of smoothing or extrapolating the mortality rates (force of mortality) are usually used for their construction. Demographers can choose from several methods of extrapolating (Gompertz-Makeham, Kannisto, Thatcher, Coale-Kisker, Heligman-Pollard) in the proposed, newly introduced SW application called DeRaS (Death Rates Simulation).

A DeRaS-user can choose even more parameters of life table construction - the age interval used for the estimation of parameters of the selected model, type of life tables or the maximum age (up to 120) and also the graphical outputs. Method of weighted nonlinear least squares is used for the estimation of parameters.