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Education towards obtaining various forms of capital

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The article deals with evaluation of the process of education as an instrument enabling an individual to acquire certain competencies (a kind of capital). These when used in an active way, may help him/her to reach different personal benefits, or even benefits for the whole society in a given territory.

Possible relationships between education and different types of capital are shown. Special attention is given to a relatively new and in this context less discussed concept of social capital.

Traditionally the concept of education is regarded as an investment into human capital. For example in the case of Czechia education process is perceived mostly as acquisition of individual knowledge and skills relevant for living, for holding social roles or performing job.

Despite its very problematic nature, education should be also regarded as an investment into social capital. However, it remains unclear whether investment into social capital is beneficial.

Its returns are less easily definable and harder to specify. Moreover, it is also unclear who benefits from this investment.

Only those who are connected to the affected networks or the local/regional society as a whole?