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Faculties of Education as seen by the Accreditation Commission of Czech Republic

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The existence and work of nine Czech Faculties of Education is described in broader context since 1990. The study discuss developmental changes of Czech tertiary educational system (growing number of the Faculties at traditional Universities, newly established regional Universities, the disseverment of parts of the former Faculties of Education and transforming them into new Faculties) and depicts constitution and activities of the Accreditation Commission of the Czech Republic.

Faculties of Education were three times assessed by the Accreditation Commission and the study recounts the process and results of these assessments. In the final part, the study summarizes current situation of the Faculties of Education and asserts that the position of these Faculties within their home Universities becomes stronger as they are warrantors of the pedagogical, psychological and instructional part of teachers' studies and also their research potential in subject didactics is growing.

There are nonetheless lingering problems in improvement of personnel qualification, in scientific productivity and in inter-faculties cooperation within Universities.