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Urban Growth management in North America

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The purpose of this paper is to study growth management strategies and policies proposed by some North American institutions and governments with focus on Metro Vancouver, Calgary and Edmonton and their progress towards more sustainable forms of development. The question is whether these strategies and policies can be used to deal with sprawl in the Czech Republic.

We find that as Metro Vancouver faces the most serious growth limits, it also implements the most ambitious growth management policies, such as creating the urban containment boundary and upzoning of activity centers and frequent transit corridors. Metro Vancouver progress towards more sustainable development is obvious on the example of its downtown core dense residential development, small amount of inner-city vacant land or abundance of activity centers growing along the Sky Train lines.

Calgary and Edmonton also propose broad growth management policies with the highest progress in redevelopment of their downtowns. Although significant differences in public financing and planning jurisdiction in the Czech Republic, which is currently facing growing impacts of sprawl development, we can get inspired by these strategies and adopt many of growth management policies.