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Cryosols in teh Czech Republic and Slovakia

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Cryosol's existence in the soil cove, the Cyech Republic and Slovakia has been more from a geomorphologic point of view, and mainly by sorted soil frost forms. A comparison with soil classification unit Crzosols (WRB) or Gelisols (USDA) must be based not only on morphological description, nut also on study of teh temperature regime and phzsiccal properties.

On the localities in teh Czech Sudeten Mountains and the High Tatras in Slovakia in upper the forest border the measurement of these parameters for several years has been carrying out. Therefore form today's view we have a more objective opinion of existence of tehse although this soil is concidered as marginal soil unit.

Referring to the morpjology of soil profiles and teh temperature regime - particularly teh number of regelation cycles - clessification on the level gelic subtypes in the reference soil types Lithosols, Leptosols, Cambisols, Crypto-Podzols and Podzols.