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Geological approach in research of reactivated fractures near Vápenná village



The NE part of the Bohemian Massif is characterized by several important geological boundaries represented by faults of the Sudetic (NW-SE) and the Moravo-Silesian (NE-SW) directions, e.g. the Sudetic Marginal fault (SMF), the Ramzová overthrust. Almost all the faults are of variscian age and a lot of them were subsequently reactivated.

Detailed geological research was carried out around a central part of the Sudetic Marginal fault near Vápenná village where the fault divides limestones on the west side and granites on the east side. Interpretations of standard structural measurements of orientation of faults and joints, lineation and/or other kinematic indicators (steps, striations etc.) from 10 localities in the area are the main contribution of the research.

The measured geological data were processed using Daisy3 4.71.06 software and results were displayed into a schematic map of the area. In the limestones three sets of faults have been identified: the main direction W-E mostly with dextral movements, the NW-SE mostly with normal faults and the N-S mostly with sinistral movements.

There are two sets of faults in the granite rocks: the major NE-SW mostly with sinistral movements and the NW-SE mostly with dextral movements. Horizontal movements along reactivated faults were observed frequently (sinistral in 40%, dextral in 30% approximately).

Vertical movements are less common (30%).