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Histopathological register of breast carcinomas - MAGISTER

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


For choice of optimal therapeutic approach in patients with breast cancer are in addition to standard diagnostic examination essential also results of detection of hormone receptors (estrogen and progesterone), proliferation markers (Ki67) and certain oncoproteins (p53 and HER-2/neu). With the introduction of trastuzumab has HER2 changed from a purely prognostic marker to a predictive one and its examination is included in the diagnostic standard.

The Society of Czech Pathologists started in 2009 central registry of breast cancer cases (MAGISTER), where all diagnosed cases of breast cancer are entered. During the past year run the register in a pilot version, and currently is fully implemented in reference laboratories and will be gradually introduced also in other smaller laboratories.

Information from the registry will be important both for laboratories and for medical oncologists as well as for health care payers, as it should be far easier to predict the number of patients suitable for biological treatment.