Discussion about immigrants integration is very important for the Czech Republic. Govermental expectation declared in the Integration Concept had to be changed.
Writting this article we tried to answer following three main questions: 1) What does integration means in terms of real situation of immigrants? 2) What internal restrictions in the Labour Market they have to face? 3) Is it necessary to apply specific approach for each foreign community to integrate? We have compared three groups of respondents (150 Ukrainians, 123 Vietnamese, 103 Czechs as kontrol sample) during our quantitative research (one of all three in the project). We have chosen a wide group of migrants who have to face strong restrictions in the CR for interview.
We describe their internal restrictions in the Labour Market in the article bellow and we compare also differences of the both foreign groups. The third part of the article describe way of integration of the both groups in terms of our research and integration concept (also