Since the 1970s Chiapas has become the place of a symbolic struggle for public space. Absolute control of the state over the official public space started to be undermined by various interventions of peasant and indigenous organizations.
The appearance of Nancy Fraser's subaltern counterpublics in Chiapas reached its peak in 1994 when the official colonial public space was invaded by rebels - Zapatistas and the symbolic war became part of a real warfare. By interventing into the official public space, Zapatistas developed their own strategy of making themselves visible that consists especially of activating and performing the so-called official Zapatista identity.
Moreover, Zapatistas pushed their strategy in the struggle for public space even further and build permanent bases of their own alternative public space - so called caracoles. Apart from interventions into official public space, a stable Zapatista subaltern counterpublic was established.
The chapter aims at scrutiny the process of establishing Zapatista's own public space in Mexico.