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Non-stationary volatility with highly anti-persistent increments: An alternative paradigm in volatility modeling?

Publikace na Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, Fakulta sociálních věd |

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We introduce the alternative paradigm to volatility modeling. On the example of three stocks of highly capitalized companies, we show that volatility process is non-stationary and its logarithmic transformation together with the logarithmic increments are approximately normally distributed while the latter are strongly anti-persistent.

Together with the assertion that loga- rithmic returns are normally distributed, and uncorrelated with time-varying volatility, we propose the new returns-generating process, which is able to re- markably mimic the real-world series and the standard stylized facts - uncor- related returns with heavy tails, strongly autocorrelated absolute returns and volatility clustering. The proposed methodology opens a wholly new field in research of financial volatility.