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WikiLeaks Case and Its Reflections in World's Security Community

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WikiLeaks Case and Its Reflections in World's Security Community. Czech dailies and weeklies publicised their analyses of the diplomatic dispatches released by WikiLeaks.

Some were concerned in world's politics, but higher attention was paid to 1,271 dispatches from Prague. According to the dispatches, the U.S.

Navy wanted to purchase 23 Russian anti-ship missiles to obtain the weapons from Belarus through Ukraine, with a Czech arms dealer. However, the Czech government decided to derail the plan by not granting the Czech middleman the needed permission to export weapons from a dictatorship like Belarus.

Various cables also detailed a dispute in the area of arms technology. Some observations from the dispatches dealing with characteristics of Czech prominent politicians are amusing.

Overall, the United States evaluated the Czech Republic positively, as an economically mature country and as the ally.