The first Czech monograph on French-German relations in the period of 1950-2000, which is mostly based on original research. The author applies the concept of ""history from below"" proving that the long-lasting co-operation between France and Germany was established not only by political, economic and cultural elites, but also through the involvement of several millions of ordinary people.
These grass-root activities are demonstrated using the example of town and village twinning. The French-German town-twining movement is unique for its extend (more than 2000 formal partnerships by the end of 2000), for the variety of common fields of interest and for its potential for peace, which was associated with it from the very beginning and which serves as an unquestioned role model not only in Europe.
The book is aimed at those interested either in the relationship between the two key players in current European politics, or in cross-border activities at the local level. It can also provide insight for the interpretation of Czech-German relations.