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The Social physique anxiety scale: Multi-sample analysis of factor structure in Czech population

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


The translated Czech version of Social physique anxiety scale (SPAS) was originally validated in a sample of university students participating in variety of sports (viz. Harbichová, 2009).

According to Motl and Conroy (2001) however, the structure of SPAS should be evaluated across samples of individuals differing in physical fitness and activity levels. In this study we examined the factorial invariance of SPAS across two samples of university students differing in frequency of participating in physical activities.

Using structural equation modeling (confirmatory factor analysis) we identified invariance of factor structure, factor loadings, item uniquenesses and factor variance across both samples. Causal model with latent variable was used to indicate that women had higher latent mean score on the 8-itemSPAS than men.

We can recommend the 8-item SPAS to be used in studies of social physique anxiety in Czech population.