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Publication at Faculty of Education |


Introduction of information technologies into teaching is a worldwide trend at all school levels. In many countries, introduction of ICT into teaching goes hand in hand with curricular reforms, whose aim is a change in the content taught and the teaching methods used with the objective of developing students' ability to use information technologies in their learning processes effectively.

Despite the fact that the use of ICT in the education process clearly boosts students' motivation and attention, its effects on the results of education are not so unambiguous and provable. One of the reasons why the use of ICT in education process does not correlate with students' achievement in comparative tests may be that the learning process changes under the influence of the use of ICT, which is not reflected in comparative tests.

The paper deals with the question to what extent the assessment of educational results complies with the objectives of education, all this in the highly specific area of use of modern technologies. The author uses his experience from teaching pre-service teachers of mathematics.

The goal of this paper is to initiate the discussion on the use of ICT in testing. Must it necessarily be regarded as cheating? Is it possible to test efficiently the ability to solve a problem with the help of the available means?