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The Church and the Vatican Council II : the perspective of ecclesiology today



Habere non potest Deum patrem qui ecclesiam non habet matrem. - He can not have God as Father who does not have the Church as Mother (St. Cyprian, De ecclesiae unitate 6).

Church throughout history gained in their environment of various relevance (social, cultural, religious, charitable). A new sense of the Church in the contemporary world was presented by II.

Vatican Council. Hence the many suggestions to the understanding of the identity of the Church.

If the social and cultural value of the Church throughout history can be considered to be accepted, its religious and specifically theological talent was necessary in the past and today apologetically defend and theologically establish. International Conference Church and II.

Vatican Council II wants to show a comprehensive perspective in which today the Church conceives identity. Statute scientific treatise on the Church will be presented primarily from a theological perspective and will explore how this approach is necessary to maintain the integrity of the identity of the Church. .