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Information science in the context of philosophical hermeneutics of H.-G. Gadamer, or, The Universe of information in the context of the universe of hermeneutics and philosophy

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The aim of the paper is to introduce the most important ideas of hermeneutic theory, especially ideas of philosophical hermeneutics of H.-G. Gadamer, in the context of information science.

The first parts of the paper are devoted to terminological and historical introduction to the problem of hermeneutic theory. Origins of hermeneutic theory, which consist in an effort to detect the true, original sense and meaning of the text, can be seen in antiquity.

Philosophical hermeneutics as a sophisticated philosophical conception of hermeneutics occurs in the 20th century in the work of Hans Georg Gadamer, which is also decisive for any subsequent philosophical conception of hermeneutics. The core part outlines some mutual contexts of problems of information and information science and problems of (philosophical) hermeneutics as well as their differences.

Concretely, this part deals with problem of information and information resources considered as one of the subjects of philosophical hermeneutics, the problem of language (or speech) considered as the main subject of philosophical hermeneutics and information science, too, and the problem of history considered as a set of existing creations of the human spirit in confrontation with problems of informetrics, bibliometrics and scientometrics. Next part deals with possibility of usage of hermeneutics as "not counting" method of the humanities.

Following final section deals with possibilities of usage of hermeneutic theory in "not counting" information science, which aim could be detecting problems of information and information resources in the context of the problems of the universe.