Current researches point to the fact that children devote still less time to physical activities. Many surveys proved correlation between low performance and fitness of children and their volume of leisure activities.
Physical education teachers in the P.E. classes often encounter students' disinterest in this subject. The question thus arises, what factors are involved in the overall evaluation of physical education in students in elementary schools? This paper determines whether the selected factors affect the overall classification in physical education and what other links between the selected factors exist.
The results proved differences in the total amount of points for the performance in motoric tests among the students who were marked 1 and 2. Students marked 1 reach significantly higher performance than students marked 2.
At the same time, no differences were proved in boys marked 1 and 2 in attitude dimensions. In girls we proved differences in dimensions expressing attitudes to fitness and dimensions expressing attitudes to aesthetic experience.
The resulting values also confirmed the trend of decrease in attitude dimensions. While in boys we cannot confirm a decrease in all attitude dimensions, in girls, this decrease was proved.