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The First Year of Chemistry Study at Faculty of Education, Masaryk University: Printed or Electronic Study Materials?



Background: The authors of this article prepared both printed and electronic study materials for inorganic chemistry nomenclature and they are finishing study materials for general chemistry (both for students of Faculty of Education, Masaryk University). The research was focused on a question, which form (printed, or electronic) is preferred by students.

Methods: To obtain the data to find the response, following methods were used: - questionnaire survey I (answered by students after completing the subject General Chemistry); question: Which form of university materials (printed, electronic) do you prefer?; - questionnaire survey II (answered by students after completing the subject Recapitulation of Inorganic Chemistry Nomenclature); they were asked about real frequency of their use of printed and electronic version of to study chemical nomenclature in previous semester; - electronic statistics I of approaches to electronic textbook on chemical nomenclature; - electronic statistics II of approaches to electronic exercises on chemical nomenclature. Results: By results of questionnaire survey I, the vast majority of respondents preferred printed material to study general chemistry.

Conversely, by survey II, electronic materials were used more than printed ones to study the nomenclature and textbook was used as often as exercises. It is in conflict with electronic statistics for the textbook (unlike exercises, the students had no idea that also approaches to the textbook are electronically monitored).

Conclusions: For the subject General chemistry, students of Faculty of Education, Masaryk University prefer printed study material, for study of inorganic chemistry nomenclature they slightly prefer electronic exercises in combination with their own notes. Moreover, it was proved, that not all the questionnaire answers of students are true.