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Distribution and growth of brown trout in pristine headwaters of Central Europe

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The majority of stream-dwelling salmonid populations in Europe are affected by artificial stocking and the fragmentation of riverine ecosystems. The present study was performed in the unique pristine headwaters of the Otava River in the Elbe catchment area of the Czech Republic.

The aim was to investigate the spatial distribution and individual growth pattern of brown trout, Salmo trutta, populations. Twenty sites in two main streams and their tributaries were sampled twice a year (spring and autumn) during the period 2005 - 2011.

The sampling sites were grouped into fourteen so-called synchronised population units within the boundaries of three populations according to analyses of synchrony in population abundance. The individual growth of juveniles (age-0, age-1) varied between all three spatial units (sampling sites, synchronised population units and populations), while the individual growth of adults (age-2 and older) did not.

The distinctiveness regarding individual growth and demographic independence among the synchronised population units and populations indicates their suitability for use as population units for management purposes.